We normalize our digital era, just as if this nature was around us always. Our daily life has been readapted and rethought into a world in constant evolution. It’s now our time to adapt and achieve innovation that connects audiences in authentic ways for a real impact.
Our communication platform has been transferred from classic media to social media. Today, in this kind of platform, it’s not only the message but the individual who can make contact with the world. As so is with advertising. Nowadays the digital market of media it’s absorbing more money than traditional media. Although traditional media is fighting for subsistence, it will not disappear, but it will decrease the money that is paid for advertising. Media consumption is in everybody’s hands, and it’s consuming our most precious thing: time.
Here are some HootSuite graphics to analyze the situation.
Traditional media has lost influence and attraction for advertising. One of the most used resources to subsist has been subscriptions. Nevertheless, this is not enough because the audience is keener on being informed by multiple media, but also because of the loss of contact and interaction with the readers. It’s not only that the audience doesn’t get informed by these channels, it’s also that these channels are obsolete.
We can see another graphic here in which we see what channels the audience uses to inform. Print is far behind and TV has lost almost the entire audience. Online channels are the new kings of our digital era.
In our modern days, in which an individual is capable to influence directly because of the content he produces, traditional media has no option but to adapt to this communicational change. Online channels admit this media to be immersed in connections just for being part of social media. Will this change mean a resignification for the media? Has social media absorbed them? Only time, with evolution as an ally, will show us the way.